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  • Dear members,

    I am afraid that you will have received some spam recently from Elizabeth Waves and for that, my apologies! 

    It's very tricky to have high security which makes it harder to become a member, and also at the same time, keep out all the bots and spam. 

    As soon as I see a new member, if they look suspicious and particularly have not uploaded a photo, then I'll be more active in blocking them and suspending them as soon as possible. 

    This time I did block the person, but not in time! Again, my apologies.

    If anyone has any suggestions, please let me know and I will be checking with a technical team that I am currently working with.

    My best,

    Joanna Campe

    Executive Director of Remineralize the Earth

  • More spam!!!!!!!!

    At 3:48am on June 1, 2018, Elizabeth Waves said…

    Good Day,

    How is everything with you, I picked interest on you after going through your short profile and deemed it necessary to write you immediately. I have something very vital to disclose to you, but I found it difficult to express myself here, since it's a public site.Could you please get back to me on:( for the full details.

    Have a nice day

    Thanks God bless.


  • Hi Joanna.


    I have been using rock dust for the last 7-8 years. I work with forestry and I have used rock dust in my own 1 hectare field.

    I will start to add my experiences here later,


  • Hi Joanna,

    Thanks for the welcome. I am actually working on a major project right now. Many exciting things. I plan to share more as soon as I can.


  • I would welcome you to start the group! I had sent  a note to a volunteer to start it, but I would be very happy if you started it. Just  find a nice map of India, or your region if you want to stay more local and then make the title appropriate if it is local. India is so big!  And then invite me…  :-)

    For the photo to upload it could be a map or just a great photo of India!


  • Then let's just get the group started!


  • Hi Joanna,

    Thank you for adding me to the group. I'm just now taking baby steps from professional life back to taking care of the family farm. Therefore, I am just now educating myself on farming. Am trying to get the family farm back to a sustainable, organic mode and am learning about soils. In the process I just came across remineralize. I would like to join an India group, and provide it the support I can. 



  • Hi Joanna,

    Thank you very much! I will promise to update with anything worth sharing. Unfortunately, at the present moment, I am not connected to any individuals or communities in Denmark who are aware of and/or utilize stonedust or other means of remineralization. 

    Personally, I have rather recently got my attention to this website and a book by john hamaker and Julius henzel, and even though I am already convinced that this issue is easily one of the most crucially important matters of the world, I do not know that much about it yet, and really am just in the proces of educating my self starting at the basics. 

    But I am certain that other people here in Denmark are focused on this subject, so I hope to get connected to some here in Denmark with practical experience of the remineralization of the soil and then I will be able to share what i know. 

    Kind regards,


  • Hello,

    I am from India with a region highly irrigated from last 25 years and with a monoculture farming of sugarcane which made our fertile soil nutrient deficient leading to salinity and many more problems.

    Thankyou for suggesting a group. would like to share your ideas too..



  • Thank you! I'm really looking forward to working with the group :)

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